*Extraordinary General Assembly Final Results* The proposal to change the governance of Skål International has been put on a mandate with two Commit...
Article by the Advocacy & Global Partnership, Sustainability Sub-Committee 2022. *Starting with the foundation of its globally recognized and annual...
*On 16 April, the international ‘Machu Picchu et les trésors du Pérou’ (‘Machu Picchu and the Treasures of Peru’) exhibition kicked off its European...
Burcin Turkkan Skål International World President, 2022 *After 120 days in office, I am happy to report that your Skål International Executive Commi...
*The recent election of Altan Demirkaya as president of Skål International Vancouver, Canada, marks another success story in Skål International orga...
*Rijeka is a city of rich history and dynamic present, new perspectives and the joy of life. * Alongside its newly acquired benefits as a tourist ce...